July 27th - August 2nd, 2025

Distance Ride

Don't miss it!

Michigan’s Shore to Shore Distance ride is a historic ride beginning on the east side and traveling across the state to the west side, from Oscoda, MI to Empire, MI.  Riders and their horses will be able to dip their ‘hoof’ into Lake Huron and Lake Michigan.

40 years after the first ride in 1985, the ride is being resurrected for one year only in 2025.  If you’ve ever wanted to ride it, mark your calendars!


Single Daily Events—Sun (Jul 27) and Sat (Aug 2) 
50 Endurance / 50 Competitive / 25 LD / 25 Competitive
15 Intro/15 Novice 

Multi-Day & Pioneer Events
There is no single day option M-F. Riders must select from these options. For example, Pick 5 and ride Su-Tu-We-Th-
Sa, or Pick 3 and ride Su-We-Sa. Flexing to a different day at the ride is allowed.
Pick 3 Flex—Ride any 3 days (Any event/Any horse) 
Pick 5 Flex—Ride any 5 days (Any event/Any horse)
Pick 7 Flex—Ride any 7 days (Any event/Any horse)
250 Mile “Traditional” S2S Endurance Ride (Same horse) Mon-Fri ** 
150 Mile Endurance Pioneer Ride (Same horse): Mon-Wed** 
150 Mile Endurance Pioneer Ride (Same horse): Thu-Sat**
125 Mile “Traditional” LD Ride (Same horse) Mon-Fri ** 
75 Mile LD Pioneer Ride (Same horse) Mon-Wed** 
75 Mile LD Pioneer Ride (Same horse) Thu-Sat** 


Ride Information

Q & A

Q & A:

Q: Why is this a Pre-Entry ride only? 

A: Due to the complexity of the ride, we need to do our best to make sure we have the correct number of veterinarians, volunteers, rig transportation drivers, awards, paperwork, and the necessary supplies to ensure all of our riders have a safe, organized, and fun ride. Our pre-entry fees are non-negotiable and universally applied to all riders.

Q: Do I have to ride every day?

A:  No, there are 7 days of competition options of 25 or 50 miles a day. You can come and just ride one day, every day or any combination in between unless signed up for the Pioneer rides or the M-F 250-mile Endurance or 125-mile LD special awards. Tuesday through Friday is point to point as you are traveling across the state staying at different “base camps”.

Q: What if I don’t have a driver to move my rig?

A:  Daily rig-moving will be available for a reasonable fee.  Contact TBD ahead of time for arrangements and approximate rates. Point to point days is Tuesday through Friday.

Q: Where can I find information about the trails and campgrounds?

A:  The Michigan Trail Rider’s Association mtra.org along with other groups and state officials, have developed and maintained a trail and camp system across the state from Empire to Oscoda and from Cheboygan to Hopkins Creek near Cadillac. Please support MTRA by becoming a 2025 member and receive trail maps at a discounted rate. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION — mtra.org Referred by AERC. They will be BIG supporters during the endurance ride.

Q: How does the 50-mile rides work?

A: Sun- is held out of South Branch and is a standard ride.

Mon- 50-mile (ONLY) riders will have to trailer to the start of the ride at River Road. 50-mile riders ONLY will ride to Lake Huron then return to base camp at South Branch.

Tue- Leave South Branch and finish at Luzerne. Halfway is McKinley.

Wed- Leave Luzerne and finish at Goose Creek. Halfway is 4-Mile.

Thu- Leave Goose Creek and finish at Scheck’s. Halfway is Rapid River.

Fri- Leave Scheck’s and finish at Garey Lake. Halfway is Lake Dubonnet. 50-mile (only) will continue to Lake Michigan and trailered back to Garey Lake.

Sat- is held out of Garey Lake and is a standard ride.

Q: How does the 25-mile rides work?

A:  Sun- Start time is 7 am held out of South Branch and is a standard ride.

Mon- Start time is 7 am held out of South Branch and is a standard ride.

Tue- Start time is 7 am. Trailer is moved to the finish at McKinley. Base camp at Luzerne.

Wed- Start time is 7 am. Trailer is moved to the finish at 4-Mile. Base camp at Goose Creek.

Thu- Start time is 7 am. Trailer is moved to the finish at Rapid River. Base camp at Schecks.

Fri- Start time is 7 am. Trailer is moved to the finish at Lake Dubonnet. Base camp at Garey Lake.

Sat- is held out of Garey Lake and is a standard ride.


The campgrounds are primitive with outhouses and hand pumps for water. (Electric well pump will be used by a generator at base camps only) No reservations. Do not block camp roads or camp sites. Pull as far forward as possible and park your rig. Trail camp maps. Camp Maps — mtra.org

Q: Horse containment?

Picket posts are at every campground. Portable corrals are allowed. Maximum two horses per corral. Each corral must be independent from another. Horses may not be tied to trees.  Hay and manure are to be spread.

Base camp Campgrounds:

South Branch: Fri-Mon (N 44o, 28′, 57.7″ : W 83o, 47′, 32.1″)

Driving Directions: From I-75 exit onto US 23 and go through Standish, heading towards Tawas City. Turn left (North) onto M-65 and continue until you reach Rollway Road (shortly after M65 makes a turn and goes east). Turn left (north) on rollway road, camp access is 2.4 miles down Rollway Rd on the right as you are coming down a long hill before a bridge that crosses the South Branch. Stay to the right and follow signs to group camping.

From jct. of M-65 and River Road (~12 mi W of Oscoda) go West 4.2 mi to Rollways Road, then North 2.4 mi to camp entrance on right. Stay to the right and follow signs to group camping. Vet check will be near the bathrooms and community fire pit.

About the camp:  Group camp has outhouses and lots of shade. There has usually been a trash dumpster near the group camp. Easy access to beautiful trails along the South Branch and AuSable Rivers has made this one of our favorite camps. The trail to the west is one of the most beautiful as it stretches along the AuSable River for much of the way and has lots of scenic overlooks, cedar swamps, you name it. It is also one of the more challenging, lots of rocks on the trail, the trail ascends and descends many hills and there are a lot of bridges to cross. The Ausable River is a couple of miles from camp but the South Branch of the AuSable is within easy walking distance. It can afford a relaxing soak to cool off on a hot day. The cellular phone reception in camp is poor at best.

Luzerne: Tuesday only – (N 44o, 35′, 4.9″ : W 84o, 17′ 21.8″)

Driving Directions: From Luzerne, take Deter Road south (the only real intersection in Luzerne, by Ma Deter’s bar). You will pass the fire station on your right as you are heading south out of town (good place to fill up water buckets/barrels, please donate). After ~ 1.5 miles on Deter, turn left onto Durfee road. It is approximately 0.7 miles on Durfee Rd. to the camp access.  Vet check will be at the upper campground.

About the camp:  The camp has outhouses and lots of shade. If you need water, the fire station in Luzerne has a faucet usually with short hose attached for filling buckets and such. They have never minded helping out the horse campers by providing water. Stop by on the way to camp to save a trip back to Luzerne. There has usually been a trash dumpster near the group camp. The trail to the West, towards 4-mile, starts across the road from the camp entrance.

In the area: Luzerne Express has gas/diesel, convenience store offering prepared foods, deli, hot foods and other basics, laundry mat, bathrooms, showers. Ma Deeters restaurant. Luzerne Hardware.

Goose Creek: Wednesday only – (N 44o, 45′, 40.6″ : W 84o, 50′, 22.7″)

Driving Directions: From the north, exit I-75 at the Hartwick Pines/Fredric exit and head west on county road 621. Turn left (south) on Manistee River road and camp is on the right about a mile south of 612. From the south – We tend to come up US27. From US 27 we exit at the Military road exit (just befor US27 and I 75 join), cross over I75 and head north (left) on Military road. Military road dead ends on M93 just outside of the National Guard base. Turn right from Military road onto M93 and go a couple of miles to the intersection with M72 (west of Grayling). Turn left (west) onto M72 and go ~ 6 miles to Manistee River Rd. Turn right (north) onto Manistee River road and camp access is ~ 6.5 miles away. This route gets around having to haul your horses through Grayling. For those of you who don’t mind the traffic or need last minute supplies, going through Grayling after exiting From I-75 onto M72 is an option.

About the camp: The camp is right on the shore of the Manistee River, a perfect place to relax and watch the water. Canoe liveries sometimes use the horse camp for river access so if you don’t like banging on aluminum, camp a good distance from the river. The trail to the West, towards Kalkaska, crosses the river (there’s only one place to cross and it’s obvious). The river is slow but cold.

Schecks: Thursday only – (N 44o, 39′, 7.5″ : W 85o, 26′, 50.7″)

Driving Driections: From US131 north of Cadillac, take Supply Rd. (S. Boardman Rd.) west to Brown Bridge Rd. Turn left onto Brown Bridge Rd. and camp access is 3.7 miles on the left. Following the multitude of signs for Ranch Rudolf also helps as Ranch Rudolf is very near the trail camp.

West out of Kalkaska 7.8 mi after McDonalds, then right on Supply Rd for 6.2 mi then left on Brown Bridge Rd for 3.7 mi to camp on left. 

About the camp: The camp is right on the shore of the Boardman River. The best river inner tubing opportunity is at this camp! Have a friend drive you upstream a ways and float back to camp. The cedar trees, swamps, high banks, etc. along the largely undeveloped stretch of the Boardman River upstream of camp are all very pretty and worth the trouble to enjoy. The trail to the West, towards Lake Dubonnet, leaves camp at the opposite end of camp.  This section has to go around the Traverse City sprawl and has a lot of traffic at places, be careful!

Gerry Lake: Fri-Sat  (N 44o, 46′, 36.5″ : W 85o, 56′, 50.1″)

Driving Driections: Go 5 miles east of Empire on M72. Turn south on Plowman Rd., go ~ 2 miles before turning east, camp is on the south side.

About the camp: The group camp is up the hill a little ways (past the outhouses from the drop in camp). The drop in camp has a hand pumped well and the group camp has an electric pumped well. The drop in camp is very nice. Gerry Lake is fairly warm for tubing in. The trails leave the group camp from the end opposite the road access and are marked. The trail towards the Lake Michigan access in Empire is very pretty when riding the high abandoned railroad bed ridge.


Public lands are being used with a permit through the Huron-Manistee National Forest Service and Michigan Department of Natural Resources. 

Private lands are being used through the partnership with the Michigan Trail Riders Association.

“Ride with GPS” will be available to all participants. There are a lot of dirt roads, side trails, etc- coupled together this means lots of tracks going in all directions so watch the trail markers. 

With the challenges and distance of trails, standard trail markings of ribbons, plates, signs, etc. will not be used. 

The terrain and riding are varied in difficulty.  The eastern section crosses through many jack pine stands and runs along the AuSable River for a good distance. The views from the high banks along the river are incredible. There are many breathtaking spots to stop and enjoy the scenery. The trail across the state is well marked with a combination of blue spray painted dots on tree trunks, special blue tags with white printed shoes (horse and human) and posts at most corners with arrows.  You will experience everything from shorelines to logging areas, river valleys to Meadows. Trail consists of sugar sand, single trail, two tracks, gravel/paved roads, rocks, stumps, roots, logs, wooden boardwalks, water crossing, …

Camp Maps — mtra.org



Great Lakes Distance Riding Association www.gldrami.org

Upper Midwest Endurance & Competitive Riders Association UMECRA – Home

American Endurance Ride Conference AERC

Places to keep your horses and things to do

Highlighting horse trail riding, camping and volunteering opportunities throughout Michigan. Find the directory here http://michiganhorsetrails.com/index.html

Fishing, kayaking, canoeing, tubing, sightseeing, bird watching, wine tasting, 

Mackinaw Island-Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau – Unique Mackinac Island, MI Vacation

Sleeping Bear Dunes-Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (U.S. National Park Service)

Sponsors and Contributors


Be a part of the Shore to Shore Distance Ride!

The excitement and pride of supporting the participants who have trained with their horses should not be missed. Celebrate our community while empowering riders, families, friends and volunteers across all demographics in Northern Michigan on
July 27th – August 2nd, 2025.
Would you like to advertise your business/product on the Michigan Shore to Shore, 7-days of rides, up to 350 miles, Distance Ride in 2025? Riders have an option to ride just one day up to all 7 days.
Catch some people’s eye with your business/ product. Sponsor special awards, a veterinarian appreciation day or food for the volunteers. Pick a day and name the daily completion awards after your business, have your name advertised on the back of a sponsor T-shirt, as well as on the website? Brochures and/or items in the participant goody bag. There are many possibilities with this 7-day iconic event.
Make someone’s riding career easier because of your amazing product or generous donation?
It is being run as a commemorative ride and is on many riders’ bucket list across the country for one year only!!
Feel free to check out the website! www.shoretoshoreride.com
Email us your interest. We can custom sponsor a package just for you!


  • Space to bring a tent/rig for your product / service display
  • Direct contact with over 300 riders and crew over 7 event days
  • High profile link to the general public from around the country
  • Placement of any brochures you provide in rider packets
  • Mention of your sponsorship (financial or in prizes) at Awards
  • Listing of your sponsorship on the Shore to Shore website


  • Your company logo and information on the Shore to Shore website


  • Your company logo and information on the Shore to Shore website


  • Your company logo and information on the Shore to Shore website


  • Your company logo on the Shore to Shore website


Levels can be achieved with cash, services or prizes


Email: ShoretoShoreRide@gmail.com

Ride Manager: Barb Kurti


Rig Transportation: Jan Wylie

Ride W GPS: Jennifer Shooshanian

Volunteer coordinator: Diane Meinders

Sponsorship and Awards coordinator: 

Ride Fees

This ride is pre-entry only. New entries will not be accepted at ride site.

Single Daily Events—Sun (Jul 27) and Sat (Aug 2) Entry fees
50 Endurance / 50 Competitive / 25 LD / 25 Competitive $120 Sr. $60 Jr.*
15 Intro/15 Novice $60 Sr. $60 Jr.*

Multi-Day & Pioneer Events
There is no single day option M-F. Riders must select from these options. For example, Pick 5 and ride Su-Tu-We-Th-
Sa, or Pick 3 and ride Su-We-Sa. Flexing to a different day at the ride is allowed.
Pick 3 Flex—Ride any 3 days (Any event/Any horse) $330 Sr. $165 Jr.*
Pick 5 Flex—Ride any 5 days (Any event/Any horse) $550 Sr. $275 Jr.*
Pick 7 Flex—Ride any 7 days (Any event/Any horse) $660 Sr. $330 Jr.*
250 Mile “Traditional” S2S Endurance Ride (Same horse) Mon-Fri ** $550 Sr. $275 Jr.*
150 Mile Endurance Pioneer Ride (Same horse): Mon-Wed** $330 Sr. $165 Jr.*
150 Mile Endurance Pioneer Ride (Same horse): Thu-Sat** $330 Sr. $165 Jr.*
125 Mile “Traditional” LD Ride (Same horse) Mon-Fri ** $550 Sr. $275 Jr.*
75 Mile LD Pioneer Ride (Same horse) Mon-Wed** $330 Sr. $165 Jr.*
75 Mile LD Pioneer Ride (Same horse) Thu-Sat** $330 Sr. $165 Jr.*
*All juniors will have their fees reimbursed after they successfully start their ride day. Many thanks to our generous sponsor.

An additional $20 fee will be assessed to all Endurance and LD riders without current AERC membership.

Embroidered Jackets (Endurance) and Sweatshirts (LD) are awarded to all teams (same horse and rider)
who complete either the Traditional** 5-day event or both Pioneer** events.

Pre-Entry and Full Payment Required—Due July 1st, 2025.

Electronic entries accepted until July 13 with $20/event late fee
Refunds: 50% of entry before July 13; No refunds after July 13th, 2025.

Entries may be transferable between horses or riders under special circumstances.

Due to the complexity of the ride, we need to do our best to make sure we have the correct number of veterinarians, volunteers,
rig transportation drivers, awards, paper and supplies for all riders to have a save, organized and FUN ride!

Our pre-entry fees are non-negotiable and universally applied to all riders.

Camping: $6 per person

25 miles Rig Move: Approx $30

50 miles Rig Move: Approx $60

Ride Rules

-All rides will conform to AERC (Endurance) and UMECRA  (Competitive) rules.

-Juniors must wear equestrian helmet. Prefer ASTM/SEI-certified. Adults are advised to wear a helmet. 

-Maximum two horses per pen/corral and may not be continuous. No exceptions. Prefer one horse.

-All horses on site must have a current Coggins. 

-All judges’ decisions are final.

Shore to Shore Web Store

Coming soon!


50 Mile BC Award (x7)

50 Mile Jr. High Vet Score (x7)

50 Mile Top 10 (x7)

25 Mile BC (x7)

25 Mile Jr. High Vet Score (x7)

25 Mile Top 10 (x7)

150 3-Day 50 Mile Endurance Pioneer Top 10 and High Point (x2)

75 3-Day 25 Mile LD Pioneer Top 10 and High Point  (x2)

250 5-day 50 Mile Endurance 1 rider/1 horse team and High Point 

125 5-day 25 Mile Limited Distance 1 rider/1 horse team and High Point

Middle of the pack 



50 Mile Top 6 (x7)

50 Mile Top 6 JR (x7)

25 Mile Top 6 (x7)

25 Mile Top 6 JR (x7)


Hyperi Saddles

US Rider

Peggy Clark

Guardian Tights

Skito saddle pad

Trekk-ETT Lady


Deb Moe – Website

Abigail Maliza

Volunteer opportunities

Vet check #1 in timer

Vet check #1 out timer

Vet check #2 in timer

Vet check #2 out timer

Rhoda Ritter was an endurance rider and had the passion to create and manage a Michigan Shore to Shore 250 Mile race in 1985. The ride was a 5-day 50-mile ride totaling 250 miles held on the Shore to Shore Trail. 

Previous ride managers Wayne Gastfield and Bruce Birr kept the ride going until 2018.

40 years after the first ride, it’s coming back for one year only during the last week of July, 2025. 

Dr. Rae Mayer, D.V.M (head vet) and Bruce Birr (timer) will be assuming their roles just like they have done since 1985.